One Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary

Wow! As I’m sitting in car rider line today, my wife texted me about an order that I’m working on and it dawned on me… Today marks our first full year! 

I could tell you about the things I’ve learned or the products we’ve made or how tough it can be at times but, I’d rather acknowledge how FREE I am, doing what I LOVE! This past year has allowed me to be much more present in my home; wife, kids and faith! 

I have made friends on this journey that I can see as lifelong friendships! I have made heirlooms for families that will cherish them for generations! I have found hours in the day that I didn’t know existed before. I get to decide if we’re playing baseball in the backyard, a boat ride to swim at Sandy Beach or have dinner on the table when Ashley gets home from work. I’m FREE, Out of bondage and present! 

So, Be Brave, Be Present, Be Intentional.

Thank you for your support, encouragement, one-time or a returning customer! You’re all special to me and my family for allowing us this adventure! 

Many Thanks,

Loren Hyman

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